There have been plenty of moments in my life when I wanted to give up. I felt like quitting Brazilian Jiu Jitsu several times due to injury and how difficult it is to learn. I quit learning Spanish all together many times because I kept getting frustrated at my slow progress.
But did I give up completely? No. I took breaks, but I kept pushing myself forward regardless, and I’m glad that I did.
If you feel like quitting right now, then let me reassure you that this is completely normal. Let’s be honest, life is hard. It has its fair share of twists, turns, challenges, and obstacles.
When you face them, it’s understandable to ask yourself questions like “what’s the point?” or “will I ever get there?”, causing you to want to give up entirely. But it’s in these moments of doubt, there are golden opportunities.
It’s where you can dig deeper, grow, and discover your real strength. Yes, it’s here where the true power of perseverance can shine.
So, forgive yourself for feeling this way. Don’t quit. Read on to find out why.
You Never Know What’s Around the Corner
Regardless of how long you’ve been doing something, you never know what’s lying ahead. Whether you’re learning a new skill or working towards a goal, that next idea, big breakthrough, or revelation could be just around the corner.
But if you give up, you’ll never know what could have been.
How far have you come? Is it worth turning back and quitting now, or is it better to continue pushing forward? Trust me, I know. It’s hard to keep going when there are no guarantees. But here’s the thing, nothing in life is guaranteed.
Remember that.
All you can do is try your best. Ultimately, it’s persistence in the face of adversity that will give you success. You may not make it tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next year, but maybe you will.
There’s only one way to find out, so keep going.
“You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.”
— Mahatma Gandi
Nothing Worth Doing Comes Easy
This is one of my favourite sayings because of how true it is. If anybody could do it with little effort, then everybody would be successful. It would have no meaning. No matter what you’re trying to achieve, not only will it take time, but it will also take hard work.
Not what you want to hear?
Sorry to disappoint but think of anybody successful. Do you think they got there easily? It likely took them a great deal of effort. But would you want it any other way? Do you want to be like most people, or dare to be great?
I know which I choose.
I’d rather give it my all than never try at all. At least then, even if I don’t succeed, I know that I gave it my best shot. I can live with that, but not with the regret of never having tried in the first place. Don’t you want to do the same?
It’s Not a Race
This is one I struggle with; I always want things to happen quickly. I can get inpatient and frustrated when things take their time, but this isn’t the best mindset to have.
It’s no surprise that this is a common attitude these days. We live in a world of instant gratification. At the click of a button, we can get anything we want. Food, entertainment, products, tickets to travel etc.
This is a nightmare for our focus, productivity, patience, and self-discipline.
Instead, embrace that achieving your goal or dream will take time. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Learn to enjoy the journey by relishing in the steps that get you there. Be present. Live in the moment, not in anticipation of the future.
At the end of the day, there will always be more to learn, do, acquire, and achieve. Fulfilment lies in the here and now, not in the future. That’s an illusion that many of us fall for.
Need help staying present? Learn to practice mindfulness.
“Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.”
— Aristotle
If They Can, So Can You
Sometimes it’s hard to believe in yourself and your capabilities. Or you may doubt and fear that what you want to do is impossible. But ask yourself “has anybody else done the same thing?”. Whether you’re trying to overcome, build, or create something, it’s highly probable someone has done it before.
This means you can do it too.
That should give you hope and encouragement. Use it as a source of inspiration. It can also be useful to look at HOW they did it. What qualities do they possess that helped them? Which obstacles and hurdles did they overcome? How can you do the same?
If you’re in competition ask how you can do it better.
The flip side of this is if you don’t do it, someone else will. If you give up now, somebody could take your spot. Why let the opportunity pass you by? And if what you’re planning to do has never been done before, even better. Your chances of success could be greater.
Regardless of the task, goal, dream, or aspiration, take positive action and give it your best shot.
Failure is Your Greatest Teacher
Many people fear failure. It seems like a big scary word, but it doesn’t have to be. How? It’s about getting it into perspective. Failure is essential for success. Think of anything humans have done throughout history, it all involved trial and error.
Did our ancestors build an effective shelter on their first try? Could they create fire, build tools, or hunt with ease by trying only once? No. They failed many times, but they didn’t give up. They tried again and again. Each time they learned something new to survive better and improve their approach.
This is how it’s been and will continue to be for as long as we’re here.
When you understand this, you begin to realise that failure isn’t something negative to fear. Instead, it’s something to embrace. Failure is your greatest teacher, it’s a learning experience. That’s how you should define it.
So, the next time you want to give up because of a failure or the fear of it, stop. Pause. And remember that failure is a learning experience to help you along your path towards success.
“Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.”
— Roy T. Bennett
You Deserve Happiness and Success
You may not believe it, but you-yes you-deserve happiness and success. Ultimately, that’s all that anybody wishes for. People want to live their life to the fullest and make their dreams become a reality.
You also deserve this.
Believe in yourself. Put in the time, effort, commitment, and you can achieve anything you want. Sadly, many people go through their whole lives not believing in their abilities. Or they think they don’t deserve good things to happen to them.
This could be due to low-esteem and confidence, which could be related to early childhood experiences. If you think these kind of core beliefs are affecting your life, consider seeking out a therapist.
Prior to training to become one, I’ve seen a therapist twice in my lifetime. Both times were incredibly beneficial for my own wellbeing. Allowing me to uncover more about myself, whilst learning about tools and skills that I continue to use today.
This is what inspired me to become one, so I could help others along their own path.
The Choice is Yours

If you’re not going to keep going, what’s the alternative? Giving up. But that’s the easy option. Not only that but if you stop now, you’ll have to live with the regret that you never saw it through. You’ll always wonder what could have been.
Is that what you want?
Instead, take on board the best reasons to never give up in this article. Let them inspire you to keep moving forward no matter what. Remember to be patient, it’s not a race. Great things take time and effort, nothing worth doing comes easy.
If someone else can do it, so can you. Don’t let them take your place. When failure comes, remember that it’s a learning experience. Finally, remember that you deserve happiness and success. Believe in yourself, put in the work, and you’ll get there.
Did this article inspire you to not give up? I’d love to know in the comments.
Take care of yourselves,
Chris from Mindful Way to Be