If you’re here reading this article, it’s likely you have your own computer or phone, as well as an access to the internet. There are still 2.9 billion people across the globe aren’t even able to get online. You’re in the lucky 64.4% of people worldwide who can.
What’s the point I’m trying to make here? Many of us are fortunate. We have a roof over our heads, food in our fridge, a source of income, and freedom to pursue things we enjoy. But here lies the problem, we can get too comfortable.
Ah yes, the comfort zone, we all like being there. In fact, our mind seeks it out because it’s safe, secure, easy, stress-free, and you feel in control. But can you grow there?
For real growth and transformation to happen, you need to challenge yourself. In this article I’ll explain the reasons why.
To Unleash Your Full Potential

If you go through life always taking the easy road, how will you ever know what you’re capable of? Don’t you want to find out? Or are you happy to grow old without unleashing your full potential? Only you can answer.
The more I challenged myself, the more I began to realise what my true capabilities were.
For years I had been holding myself back due to my own inhibiting beliefs. I never thought I’d backpack solo across Southeast Asia, teach English abroad, learn a new language, or run a 10k.
And guess what? The more I did, the more I uncovered. I’m always pushing and testing the threshold for what I’m capable of, and you can do the same! Why wait any longer?
Challenge yourself to see what you’re capable of.
To Build Your Strength and Resilience
No matter how blessed and lucky we may be, life will throw us curveballs at some point. When illness, bereavement, loss of a job, house, or the end of relationship strikes, how will you respond?
These are all very difficult circumstances to endure. Yet, by challenging yourself mentally and physically, you can build strength and resilience. It doesn’t mean you’ll suddenly be able to brush off difficulties, but you will be better equipped to deal with them.
And who doesn’t want to be stronger? Learn to callus your mind. You’ll start to feel like a superhero ready to take on the world.
“Physical challenges strengthen my mind so I’m ready for whatever life throws at me, and it will do the same for you.”
— David Goggins
You Can Conquer Your Fears
As you do begin to feel stronger, you’ll become more confident. Your self-esteem will improve because you’re doing things you never thought possible. These changes can positively impact your life in other ways too.
You may find that you start walking and talking differently. You could begin to socialise more, pursue new hobbies, and feel more content. When you have more confidence and self-worth, you’re well-being will improve.
“Never fear your challenges, challenge your fears.”
— Rick Warren
Challenge Builds Your Momentum
It’s easy to procrastinate difficult things such as a gym workout, going for a run, or studying. At times we even postpone doing things we find enjoyable if it involves a lot of effort. But the thing is, if you make a habit out of challenging yourself then everything else becomes easier.
What do I mean exactly? Well, let’s say you decide to start waking up earlier to work out. Once done; you’ve already completed something difficult. You achieved the goal and got the ball rolling. It’s then much easier to move on to something else.
Challenge builds your momentum to become fearless, focussed, self-disciplined, and determined to tackle more.
Discover Yourself and Find New Purpose
When you challenge yourself, you begin to try new things. That could include joining groups, clubs, exercise classes, learning skills, and travelling.
You’ll likely find the more you try, the more you want to do. This can lead you to discover something hidden about yourself.
Maybe you have a talent for creativity. A level of physical endurance you never thought possible. Or you could have an unexplored natural ability.
As you begin to experiment, explore, and delve into new worlds, you might also end up down a path you never expected. You could find a new sense of purpose. Whether that be a change in career, love of a new hobby, or by forming purposeful relationships.
Venture out of your comfort zone and who know what you’ll discover. Don’t you want to find out?
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.”
– Mark Twain
You’ll Appreciate Free Time More
What do you do to switch off? Watch TV, play video games, read, write, eat, drink, or go for walks? If you spend all your free time doing the above, it becomes meaningless.
Some of you may be saying ‘actually I have little spare time, my job is hard work, and I have a family to take care of’. I agree that all can be stressful. But those are your main responsibilities, ones you must carry out.
As I said earlier, challenging yourself is about unleashing your true potential.
Despite being busy, you can squeeze in time here and there to do more. A 20-minute run, half an hour to work on a business idea, 45 minutes learn a new language. So, what can you do? What can you make time for?
As you do these tasks, you will feel as if you’ve earned the day. You put yourself out there and took on more than the bare minimum. Few people do that, so take pride in it.
Then that slice of cake will taste even sweeter. That TV series will be funnier. Your couch will feel extra comfortable. The sun shining on your face will feel more invigorating. That cold drink will taste particularly refreshing.
You get the idea. When you challenge yourself, you truly earn that rest. You’ll appreciate your free time more.
Challenge Can Enrich Your Life
I’ve given you many reasons why embracing challenge can bring transformative change. All you need to do is take that first step. Once you do, the rest will all fall into place.
It’s common that people want to stay in their comfort zone. But when you build the courage to step outside it, who knows what’s waiting you. It might seem scary, but you have the power whether you believe it or not.
Remember, you don’t have to take on massive challenges. Build them up, start small. Wake earlier, exercise a few times per week, take a risk, meditate for 10 minutes. Write some ideas down and get stuck in.
What are you waiting for?
I hope you found this article helpful. What do you think are some good challenges for yourself? I’d love to know in the comments below.
Take care if yourselves,
Chris from Mindful Way to Be